This was a quarantine project completed during 2020. It was a follow-up to a conceptual project finished in the summer of 2019.
Envision a sustainable successor to the Vaporfly (and Mayfly) ultralight racing flat.

The Nike Mayfly was designed to last 100 km before falling apart. Its limited lifespan allowed it to be incredibly lightweight and cheap to manufacture, and at the end of its lifecycle it could be mailed to Nike HQ for recycling. However, recycled rubbers and plastics still can take hundreds or thousands of years to return to bio-available material.
The Vaporfly began as a successor to the Mayfly; a racing flat with no intention of lasting more than a few races and every intention to be as light and fast as possible.
Can the next in the 'fly family return to its sustainable roots and maintain the groundbreaking performance of the Vaporfly and Alphafly?

Approximate lifespan: 100 km
Approximate deathspan: 1 year